What I Know
We are all invited to a new start with Jesus. Breaking old patterns to follow Him in freedom and purpose, brings a legacy nothing else will. It begins with YOU.
Your divine destiny is far too important to allow your past to dictate it. Healing is essential to transform and fulfill our God-given purpose. Sometime our gifts are just waiting for the heaviness of pain to be lifted so that they can be unburied and put to work. When hard things happen, we need to stop and revisit the issues that lie in the soul.
The courses that are available are for the intent of healing and equipping so that you can fulfill your God- given purpose.
The "Take Your Position Daughter" course is to unveil circumstances and heart conditions that keep women in destructive cycles. As we work through the "Take Your Position Daughter Workbook", we can navigate through emotions to pinpoint and overcome destructive belief patterns and turn to God to renew us.
The book and workbook are written to be self-paced. However, you will find the course will bring mentorship in the process and add more depth.
Perhaps you are a leader who has a passion to help women, you can utilize the "Take Your Position Daughter" book and workbook along with my course with videos and facilitate meetings and see God do amazing things with these tools. The relationships He will build as you all are vulnerable with one another! Imagine what Holy Spirit can do when your circle of women are healed and chasing after Jesus together! If you are interested and feel the tug of Holy Spirit, send me an email at Monica@takeyourposition.org. Also, read what Amazon reviewers have to say about the book.
Where a mind is unrenewed, is an open door for the enemy.
Through the powerful ability to renew our minds with the Word of God to bring transformation, we can walk in every blessing when we know who we are by knowing who He is. Knowing who we are will require an intentional pursuit and a passion for more than routine and a bunch of words. It will require the schemes of the enemy to be recognized and it will require us to dare to believe God and agree with Him in actions by replacing our former thoughts with His. ​
Standing in the face of opposition while having faith in God requires us to keep our focus on Him. Through listening to teachings focused on who He is, your faith will grow and you will be able to stand in the midst of trial and remain in His peace. On my youtube channel, I provide many teachings.
It is time to turn the tables from what the enemy has stolen because you have been born to know the favor of God!